It’s happened. A candidate who ran on a platform of hatred, racism and misogyny was elected president of the United States.
While a Trump presidency will attack and assault every progressive value – from defending the environment to reining in corporate greed, from defending civil rights and the social safety net at home to promoting peace and human rights abroad, it’s important never to forget that his agenda and rhetoric put some people more than others at very real and very terrifying risk.
At CREDO, we are horrified by the election results, and we’re gearing up to stop the fascist who is about to become president and the Republican extremists who enabled and endorsed his racism, xenophobia and hate. But first, and most importantly, we want to make it clear that we stand in solidarity with the people who have the biggest stake in this fight.

No matter what, we will always stand shoulder-to-shoulder with every community Trump has attacked, threatened and marginalized in his campaign of hate. We will not be silent, and we will not back down.
We will fight back against Donald Trump’s agenda of fascism, racism, sexism, xenophobia and hate together. Add your name to the solidarity pledge.
We stand with every immigrant, every Muslim, every person of color and every woman whose ability to live safely in our country is now under urgent threat.
With a racist and misogynist as president, and with a Republican party emboldened to pander to the most extreme elements of its base, we will have to use all the tools at our disposal to stand up for those most vulnerable and minimize the damage of Trump’s presidency.

While Donald Trump has won the electoral vote, it is important to note that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. Now we need the same big, diverse and vibrant coalition that rejected Donald Trump in this election to continue standing shoulder-to-shoulder to resist and fight back against President Trump’s racism, sexism, xenophobia and hate.
Corporate democrats in Congress and the political establishment in Washington may be tempted to compromise in order to eke out small wins or incremental change. But we know that the progressive movement must stand for racial justice, immigrant rights, LGBTQ and gender equality, and we must lead the way in rejecting compromises or policy negotiations that leave people of color, immigrants, women, Muslims or LGBTQ people behind.
It’s going to be a hard fight. We’re grateful for all the CREDO members we know will be in it with us.
Pledge to stand in solidarity and fight back against Donald Trump’s agenda of fascism, racism, sexism, xenophobia and hate.
Thanks for everything you do.